
The Bushido History


8.-10. Januar41. BUSHIDO-weekend in Frauenchiemsee


10. OctoberOfficial start of the Tai Chi training at BUSHIDO - Trainer: Marcus
JulyMarcus achieves trainer license level A for Tai Chi
13. JulyCSD participation - motto: We choose - equal rights and acceptance"
7.-9. JuneBushido-Weekend in Langau
17.-19. MayPINK POWER / Tournoi International de Paris (20 years NIJIKAN Paris)
14. AprilRight in time for the AGM the new Website is relaunched




14.-16. December35. Bushido-Weekend in Frauenchiemsee
8. DecemberRudi passes a black belt test (5. Dan)
SeptemberPINK POWER in London

14. July

Gay Pride - Slogan: "Fight for global richts - Solidarität kennt keine Grenzen" (... solidarity doesn't know any borders/boundaries)
1.-3. June34. Bushido-Weekend in Pappenheim
25.-28. MayTournoi International de Paris
21. April
Meike and Marcus pass a black belt test (1. Dan)




16.-18. December33. Bushido-Weekend in Frauenchiemsee
22. OctoberJan and Claus pass a black belt test (1. Dan)
16.-18. SeptemberPINK POWER in Munich celebration our 15-Year Anniversary with more than 60 participants
13.-15. May32. Bushido-Weekend in Pappenheim
MayNew Co-Trainer: Marcus re-inforces the team - Intruducing Trainer-Tandems, taking over a group of trainees always two months at a time, a project not bein too successful because Elise has to take a break (knee injury).
MarchSpring-Beginners-Course has to be canceled because to little participants - our focus will be on the Beginners-Course in Autumn from now on




10.-12. December 31. Bushido-Weekend in Langau, production of a  Bunkai video
2. OctoberMember Anneliese Schwab dies unexpectedly. 
31. July - 7. AugustGAY-GAMES VIII in Cologne: Bushido returns with 8 medals:
4 x Gold
1 x Silver
3 x Bronze
JulyGay Pride participation - Slogan: "30 Jahre CSD München: Deine Stadt - Deine Community - Deine Freiheit" (30 years gay pride Munich: Your City - Your Freedom)
12. June Four Co-Trainers pass the belt test (1. Kyu)
4.-6. June 30. Bushido-Weekend in Frauenchiemsee
March-June Instead of a beginners course, this spring/summer Bushido offers special trainings: belt test preparation (1. Kyu), preparation for the GAY GAMES 


11.-13. December 29. Bushido-Weekend in Frauenchiemsee
December All Co-Trainers obtained their official trainer's license
11. July Participation at gay pride, premier for our first very own information booth
5.-7. June 28. Bushido-Weekend in Pappenheim
4. March Panel Discussion around the issue of violence against LGBTs at Sub on the occasion of the exhibition „Zeugnisse schwulenfeindlicher Gewalt“ (Proof of anti-gay violence)


12.-14. December 27. Bushido-Weekend in Frauenchiemsee
19.-21. September PINK POWER 08 in Cologne
18. September - 2. October Self defense seminar (three evenings)
28. June Public Training on the occasion of the sports festival „Brückenbauen unterm Regenbogen“ (Building bridges under the rainbow), created as part of the 850-Year Anniversary of Munich
16.-18. May 26. Bushido-Weekend in Pappenheim
8.-12. May Tournoi International de Paris 


7.-9. December 25. Bushido-Weekend in Langau
13.-27. September Self-defense seminar (three evenings)
13.-15. April 24. Bushido-Weekend in Pappenheim
25. January Former member of the board Günther Fischlmaier loses the battle to cancer
January Launch of monthly focal points for the training 


8.-10. December 23. Bushido-Weekend in Frauenchiemsee
15.-17. SeptemberHosting PINK POWER 06 for our 10-Year anniversary 
22.-27. July Shotokan-Seminar for people returning to Karate -  unfortunately not a lot of feedback
15.-22. July GAY GAMES in Chicago
9.-11. July 22. Bushido-Weekend in Pappenheim
May Extended training schedule: all three groups (F1-F3) are now able to train three times a week
1. April 10-Year anniversary at Café Regenbogen
March Second female Trainer: Elise
January Bushido has an advanced group again: brown belts
New slogan: upright – courageous – self-confident


9.-11. December 21. Bushido-Weekend in Langau
October Self defense seminar
30./31. July PINK POWER in London hosted by „Ishigaki“
24.-26. June 20. Bushido-Weekend in Langau
Whitsun Particiating at the Martial Arts-Tournament and –Seminar "Tournoi International de Paris ", hosted by karate club Niji-Kan
May Rudi takes the belt test and receives 4. Dan 


10.-12. December 19. Bushido-Weekend in Pappenheim
August Second honorary member: Andreas Unterforsthuber
29. July - 1. August euro games 04 in Munich: Co-Hosting the Karate- and Martial-Arts-competition with BKB und der IAGLMA; Huge success for Bushido participants
July Newspaper article in the SZ, OUR MUNICH and epd; Radio Interview
2.-4. July 18. Bushido-Weekend in Pappenheim
January New Bushido logo: two fighters over the rainbow 




12.-14. December 17. Bushido-Weekend in Pappenheim
OctoberFirst female Co-trainer: Meike L.
Becoming a member of the International Association of Gay and Lesbian Martial Artists (IAGLMA) and the European Gay & Lesbian Sport Federation (EGLSF)
25.-27. July PINK POWER in Munich, for the first time as a Martial-Arts event
20.-22. June 16. Bushido-Weekend in Pappenheim
MarchNew name to reflect the growing numbers of women in the club: "Bushido München e.V. - Karateverein für Schwule, Lesben und FreundInnen" (Bushido München - Karate club for gays, lesbians and friends"




December 15. Bushido-Weekend in Langau
NovemberParticipation at the GAY GAMES in Sydney
AugustAppointing Thomas Niederbühl the first honorary member
AprilNew trainer: Rudi (3. Dan)
Launch of the Bushido-Website
Karate-Weekend at Tijgertje (Amsterdam)
January 14. Bushido-Weekend in Pappenheim 




7.-9. September 13. Bushido-Weekend in Rothenburg o. d. Tauber
29. June - 1. July 12. Bushido-Weekend in Pappenheim
14./15. April Participation at PINK POWER in Paris, hosted by „Karaboom“
1. April City-Fit cancels the training location, temporary training at the church hall of the Laetare-Gemeinde
Testing license allows for internal Bushido belt tests
5.-7. JanuaryInternal trainer meeting at Langau




15.-17. December 11. Bushido-Weekend in Pappenheim
July / AugustInformation booth / participation at gay pride and Hans-Sachs-Streetfestival
7.-9. July10. Bushido-Weekend in Pappenheim
JanuaryAdding courses to the schedule, now six per week. Six Co-Trainers (Norbert J., Rudi G., Andreas U., Michael L., Norbert O., Wolfgang R.)


10.-12. December 9. Bushido-Weekend in Langau
Low tide in training participation – neue training schedule (Beginners, F 1, F 2 und F 3)
16.-18. JulyBushido founds and hosts the internationale gay-lesbian Karate seminar PINK POWER 99 with 60 participants
JanuaryBushido is presented in the magazine of the Bavarian Karate Club (BKB News) - Dojo of the Month




18.-20. December 8. Bushido-Weekend in Pappenheim with guests from Berlin and Paris
1.-8. AugustParticipation at the GAY GAMES in Amsterdam
first Bushido – Wesbite online: www.hanoi.de/Bushido
July / AugustInformation boot at gay pride and Hans-Sachs-Streetfestival – Bushido on stage at gay pride with synchronised kata performance
28. JuneFirst Video-Training
5.-7. June7. (unplanned) Bushido-Weekend in Rothenburg o.d. Tauber
20.-22. March6. Bushido-Weekend in Langau
TEAM MÜNCHE is founded : Bushido chooses to cooperate, but stay independent
New Co-Trainers: Norbert J., Rudi G., Andreas U. – internal trainer meeting in Langau
MarchMember numbers skyrocket: Bushido has over 60 members 




19.-21.December5. Bushido-Weekend in Pappenheim with guests from Berlin
July / AugustInformation booth at gay pride andHans-Sachs-Streetfestival
30. May - 1. June4. Bushido-Weekend in Bad Abbach
AprilStarting the preparations to participate at the GAY GAMES in Amsterdam
25. MarchNewspaper article published about Bushido in SZ (Süddeutsche Zeitung): „Handkantenschläge für das Ego“ (roughly: "open hand punches for your ego")
Extending the training schedule to 5 courses a week with the help of Co-Trainers
2. MarchBushido-Members face their first belt-test with the coach of the German national team - Toni Dietl - and get praised
6. FebruaryFirst Co-Trainer: Bernd Albert
1. JanuaryBushido becomes a DKV (German Karate Club) member


20.-22. December 3. Bushido-Weekend in Bad Abbach
DecemberTraining location at the "City-Fit" gym
JulyFirstpParticipation at the gay pride with our new logo, pink „Karate-Paul“
29. MarchFirst Bushido Board Meeting
24. MarchFounding day of the club „Bushido München e.V. – Karateverein für Schwule und Freunde“ (Bushido Munich - Karate club for gay men and friends)
19.-21. January2. Karate-Weekend in Langau

Heated discussion about founding an official club: does it really need to be a registered club? – should we open op to other groups than just gay men? A charter is drafted.
JanuaryTraining location at the "Glockenbachwerkstatt" (Baumstraße)




30. June - 2. July First Karate-Weekend in Pappenheim
8. MayTim Linhardt is directing a movie for the WDR (public television) about violence against gays and shoots scenes in our training 
23. AprilThe second beginners class starts with 26 participants




9. October„Aufrecht der Gewalt widerstehen. Karate-Do als Weg zu schwuler Selbstbehauptung“ ("Stand upright against Violence – Karate Do as a way to gay an lesbian self-defense and self-assertion") starts at the dance studio"Moving Point" with 15 participants
20. SeptemberFirst Information evening / open house 
26. JulyRequest from Manfred Edinger (Anti-Violence-Project) to establish a self-defense class for gay men